Page name: Aradon's Workplace [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-11-04 20:07:56
Last author: Aradon Templar
Owner: Aradon Templar
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Cooperative worker placement game
A game in which players work together to utilize resources to produce a game (or some other collaborative product).

Game or player playing antagonist role provides deadlines which players must meet.
Various resource nodes, challenge is in optimizing their use rather than claiming what you want first.

Possible mechanic is to make resource nodes give one less resource when they change hands. Players will naturally want to move from node to node to acquire the resources they need, but this discourages that. To counterbalance and thereby avoid the penalty, players may acquire communication resources, which may be expended instead.

Method in place (cards, or nodes) which allow transference of resources from one player to another.

Staff meeting node, which uses the resource placement to instead provide some directional bonus (direction ability-cards, shifting of resources, alteration of deadlines).

Periodic investor review gives money based on progress/appearance, for purchasing new nodes/staff/assets. Concern that this leads to snowballing success or hard-to-catch-up failure. Balance should be that a good investor review requires long-term sacrifices to achieve.

Possible resources:
- Design
- Coding
- Polish
- Graphics & Sound
- Marketing
- Money
- Communication

Possible direction cards or projects:
- Custom tools: takes coding, grants communication each round
- Shifted resources: transfer some resources from one player to another
- Various 'free resources' options



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2008-07-16 [Aradon Templar]: Hmm. I cannot vary the grass color right now, unless I registered my TG2 :( The bits of brown are fine by me, since it's just dirt after all. As for the straight horizon, I could, but it looks terrible for some reason o.O

2008-07-16 [windowframe]: :/ Guess I'll have to take your word for it that it looks terrible. :P

2008-07-16 [Aradon Templar]: :P You want proof? I shall render you some proof. But it'll take some time. I'm right now working on the patch that'll fix the green in the fields, and then I'll render you some proof. Seriously.

2008-09-28 [Aradon Templar]: Made the sky *slightly* darker, the moon a little more solid, added the stars, and that's about it. I don't know what else to do with the moon, short of colouring it like the real moon, with the dark spots, but that attempt has failed anyways o.O I'm going to go back and try it again though :P Any other suggestions, comments or thoughts are appreciated, of course.

2008-09-28 [windowframe]: The top picture has an artifact in it, again. :P

2009-01-14 [windowframe]: I think the clouds now look weird in the last two version - they look more like folded paper. And you have a weird-looking sun circle in the clouds now, I think it looked better before... but the sun-rays you have now shining down through the clouds are better.

The ocean looks a bit odd, too - it jars lots at the horizon line, and looks like it's at a completely different angle of perspective to the rest of the picture - it has no depth, as well. Perhaps if it got a lot darker towards the horizon, that would add the depth?

</harsh critic>

2009-01-14 [Aradon Templar]: Clouds looking weird are fixed now. I thought something I changed would fix the sun circle, but it didn't o.O
Water was improved, but perspective-wise I now see the problem you're getting at. Thanks a lot for the critique :D

2009-01-23 [Aradon Templar]: Which looks better? >.> I think I'm leaning towards the bottom, but with brightening the clouds a bit, so there's more glow.

2009-01-26 [windowframe]: I'm leaning towards the top one. More dramatic. :P Though the horizon line still needs some work.

2009-01-26 [Aradon Templar]: >.> I swapped the two around without realizing it. In its present layout, I favor the top one. Two friends told me they liked the bottom, but I agree that the top is more dramatic. The horizon is crap and I don't know how to fix it >.<

2009-01-28 [iippo]: I kinda like the bottom one more as it's calmer and... yeah. Hmm, is there a way you can kinda desaturate the water (maybe the clouds a little bit too) nearer to the horizon? 'Cause when we look into an open space, the colours recede, so if you are looking at an open field of grass, it's more bluish/grayish the further away it is. That's why I reckon the horizon looks off, if the contrast between water and clouds is too strong. If you could dim them both a little bit, they'd blend a bit better, mayhaps? Like in the left-hand edge of the bottom one, the sky and water are pretty similar in colour/tone, and it feels a bit better. 

2009-01-28 [Aradon Templar]: Ah, that gives me an idea to try. I'm not sure how much longer I'll mess with this one, since I don't look forward to all those long renders again, but I know how to fix it now I think. Thanks, iippo :D

2009-03-21 [iippo]: For some reason, that is a really compelling image (and tehnewsexy r sexy, except gamma :P)

2009-03-22 [Aradon Templar]: The contrasting colors still lack harshness since the shapes are soft, for one. Secondly, the shapes are sort of swooping, if you know what I mean. They seem to cover lots of space.

2009-08-12 [Aradon Templar]: So, I went away for a week and a half for my step brother's marriage in California. Computer was rendering the whole time I was gone. It was half done, and the easy half at that :(

2009-08-18 [windowframe]: D: BLACK!

2009-08-18 [Aradon Templar]: Yes. It is black. There are sizable 'artifacts' shall we say :P Currently rendering it at normal size rather than double-dimensions, and lowered detail quality a bit. It's been going 91 hours, should be done in less than a week :D Then I have to add in the stars, which Terragen did not do an acceptable job of. This shouldn't be much of an issue though.

2011-04-17 [windowframe]: So is the final image going to be an even gloomier/more overcast sky?

2011-04-17 [windowframe]: Also, I really like the concept of 3, but the peeking rays aren't really... shining round the cloud enough? But I think it would be a pretty simple photoshop edit to fix that? :)

2011-04-30 [hanhepi]: in the section "Okay, neat! How do I use a template?" the last line before the second template: "also won't affect words don't appear by themselves" isn't right. you missed a word i think. other than that, it's great, i might even try using a template on some of my faffing that i'm doing. :D

2011-04-30 [Aradon Templar]: Fixd, I think.

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